Shriya Mukkavilli, Managing and Online Editor

Finding new roots
Former counselor opens ranch for healing

Losing hours
Teens struggle with sleep

Life in snapshots
Teacher shares father’s love for

Seen and heard
Student group pushes for inclusive curriculum

True colors
Junior reflects on coming out to friends and family

Finding pride
LGBTQ+ identity increases among teens

Test questions
Discussion of reviving student drug screening arises in district

Rookies in the ring
Political involvement increases among students

National tests postponed due to coronavirus
College Board and ACT find alternate solutions to original testing plans

Filtered reality
Popularity of cosmetic procedures among teens connected to social media

In perfect harmony
Students connect through music

Acting for awareness
‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ opens conversation about mental health

Starting off on a new note
Meet some of the new performing arts teachers on campus