Planning any event last minute can be stressful, especially if it’s a night as hyped up as homecoming. Making a mum and reserving a table for dinner in less than a week may seem like impossible tasks to fulfill, but never fear. Here are a few tips and tricks to make sure that your last minute homecoming is as fun as you can imagine.

Even a simple bouquet of flowers can make for a beautiful homecoming proposal.
While you don’t need a date to have an amazing time, if there’s a special someone you’ve been wanting to ask out or a friend you know would make the night even more memorable, you may want to pop the question. A homecoming proposal is a good way to get your answer. Since you may not have time to come up with an elaborate plan, a simple sign and a bouquet of flowers will do just fine. If you have trouble coming up with a poster idea on your own, there are thousands available online that range in themes, so it will be easy to make a sign that matches your date’s likes and personality. All the supplies you will need can be found at your local crafts or grocery store.
Mums and garters
A staple in Texas homecoming culture is the mum and garter exchange, but making one from scratch may no longer be an option if you’re crunched for time. Instead, you can purchase one that has been premade at a local grocery store, craft store or flower shop. However, due to the lack of availability and time, stores might not have a mum or garter in the exact size you’re looking for and they may be a little pricey. Nevertheless, they will likely have options made of ribbons matching your school colors, meaning all that’s left to do is personalize it. Even if your local craft store is low on popular customizable items, such as lights and bells, you can still get creative by using other stickers, ribbons or even stuffed animals to make a fun and personal creation for your date.

If you’re low on time, large commercial stores are often good places to go shopping.
Proper attire
Finding an outfit days before a school-wide event can mean that you will have limited options at dress shops and boutiques. Instead, you can find a beautiful dress, shirt or pair of shoes at certain commercial stores, such as Ross, TJ Maxx and Target. While these clothes may not look like those tailored from expensive specialty shops, you’ll still be able to look great in your pre-dance photos. If you don’t have the time or money to shop for a whole new ensemble, try revamping an older one by adding different accessories to it. A new belt, tie or jewelry set can completely transform an old dress or button-down shirt and trousers into a completely new look.
Planning a nice dinner a few days before the event may be a bit tricky, as most reservation times will probably already be taken when looking online. However, don’t let this stop you from calling in to ask about available tables. Some managers like to save open spots without putting them up on the restaurant’s website for these exact scenarios, so don’t lose hope. In the case that calling does not work out in your favor, walk-ins may still be accepted at some places. However, most restaurants will likely be busy the night of the dance, meaning that you might have to settle for less-than-ideal seating. If a long wait or smaller table is unappealing to you and your date, a nice home cooked meal is also a great option, and can make the evening more personal. If you are going in a larger group that has a good sense of humor, eating together inside a fast food restaurant can make the night extra fun and memorable.

Once you get dressed up, you might want to meet some friends for photos. There are plenty of locations with nice scenery to choose from.
Scheduling where to take photos with all of your friends can be a hassle. To avoid any confusion about a last minute photo shoot, make sure to meet up at a location that has nice scenery, but is still close by. This could be a local park with flowers and fountains, a lake while the sun is setting or in your own backyard. No matter the place, make sure it’s somewhere that you can all get together to look nice and have fun while doing it.
In the end, these small details shouldn’t be what makes your homecoming night memorable. What will make the evening special is being with those you care about and enjoy spending time with, as well as the laughs and memories you will share.