These answers were part of our senior edition, which was released in May 2020. The full issue can be found here.
“Having class at 8:10 every single day” — Sadie Riestenberg
“Getting parking stickers #rageagainstthemachine!!” — Autumn Dodson
“Dodging people in the hallway” — Ashlynn Mays
“Seeing couples standing outside classrooms holding each other and gazing into each other’s eyes as if they were in a movie instead of in the upstairs C hall” — Claire Reader
“The steps on the 9th grade campus” — Aynslee Barber
“The parking lot” — Delayna Darvin

“Eight minute passing periods” — Sierra Scott
“TESTS” — Shalina Sabih
“The MHS restrooms and cafeteria” — Aaron Guerra
“Crowded hallways, mean people and the over populated cafeteria” — Chloe Hudson
“Work” — Noe Morales
“6:30 workouts before school” — Garrett Karbs
“Homework” — Bella Fortino
“Satan’s mile” — Riley Vaughn
“The random nonsensical conversations” — Michael Minton
“Hallway traffic” — Joy Yang
“School IDs” — Allie Crinklaw
“The food” — Tatiana Beach
“My uncontrollable schedule” — Marcus Anderson-Valencia
“Everything but Mr. Sherrill” — Sarah Long
“Miss Rona and social distancing” — Dahlia Clark
“Having to wear my ID” — Madeline Cherry
“Waking up at 5 for swim practice” — Adriana Pueskens
“I don’t think there is anything I’ll miss the least because all the bad things will be falling with me” — Hayden Self
“Probably my physics class — we’ve all been together for three physics classes (1,2 and C) so it’ll be weird not having physics
with those same people in the future” — Carol Anne Starks
“Math and the dress code” — Parker Bastien
“Marcus or Mah-rock-uss” — Madalin Dotzel
“Jacob Minick” — Preslie Hutcherson
“Homework” — Ben Contreras
“Waiting for the band parking lot to open up after marching season” — Julia Campopiano
“Homework” — Albir Rifati
“Wearing an ID to school and getting in trouble for it” — Bailey Tadolini
“Having a first period” — Lauren Szlosek
“People walking really slow in the hallways” — Kaitlyn Reichenberger
“Running in basketball” — Bailey Roden
“Fake girlies” — Emma Janeway
“The cafeteria food” — Jenna Hauck
“” — Sam Coad
“IDs” — Annika Barry
“Taking tests” — Victoria Alonzo
“English class” — Raquel Redmon
“The dead cats we dissected in biology” — Miranda Lutterbei
“PreCalc” — Sam Thornfelt
“AP English III” — Jadan Ruckdeschel
“Waking up early” — Remi Dzwolak
“Math” — Patrick Bevins
“Stepping in puddles of pee in the bathroom” — Grant Papazian
“Marauder time” — Ryan Poles
“AP test week/cold cafeteria” — Natalie Bonner
“Trekking up the A hall stairs” — Emily McLeod
“AP exams” — Riley Vaughn
“Wearing an ID” — Victoria Cheshire
“The homework!” — Mia Taylor-Fitzgerald
“Waking up early” — Bella Whitesell
“IDs” — Peyton Gibbs
“How there are only pep rallies for football, and only one or two the spring semester” — Hayden Phillips
“Waking up early and ID checks” — Allison Leone
“Wearing my ID around my neck everyday” — Sarah Wilson
“The bathrooms” — Nathan Tonti
“Eight hours of school a day” — Morgan Mayers
“Waking up so early” — Ayra Charania
“High school homework” — Kendall Bailey
“Marauder Time” — Justice Douse
“Seven hour school days” — Lauryn Walters
“People who don’t know how to properly use a hallway” — Emma Eidmann
“A lot of things” — Tatum Green
“Teachers asking me to put on my ID” — Addison Eads
“Driving for 25 minutes to get back home from school” — Annette Nguyen
“Having to get up for the bus” — Ryan Whitfield
“Underclassmen” — Mary Handley
“The cafeteria for sure. It’s always so packed that I get anxiety when I walk in so I’ve avoided it as much as possible in my four years” — Pidge Cheatham
“School work” — Arianne Van Der Stuyf
“IDs” — Zeke Camden Dayton
“The long walks into the school building” — Ethan Barr
“The smell of the downstairs choir hall bathroom” — Hana Ajam
“Marauder Time” — Catherine McKisic
“Asking to go to the bathroom” — Brigit Reese
“All the homework and tests I always had to take” — Tyler Dawson
“Getting lost in the circle” — Destiny Simpson
“How cold the school is all the time” — Renee Gomez
“The work” — Cameron Neustupa
“Busy work” — Jordan Litten
“The school food” — Sydney Linquist
“People walking on the wrong side of the hall” — Gwyneth Glanton
“Life 360” — Lauren Herba