These answers were part of our senior edition, which was released in May 2020. The full issue can be found here.
“Haley Lawford is most likely to be the female Tan France” — Abigail Frantz
“Chaitanya Bashyam is most likely to find the cure for corona” — Adriana Pueskens
“Albir Rifati is most likely to become a millionaire” — .Albir Rifati
“Siddarth Jayjumar is most likely to let me crash on his couch” — Shalina Sabih
“Chaitanya Bashyam is most likely to rule the world” — Annette Nguyen
“Kendall Bailey is most likely to become the headline for vegans everywhere” — Chloe Hudson
“Brooke is most likely to have her own business” — Ashlynn Mays
“Addison Eads is most likely to become the richest person ever out of the class of 2020” — Addison Eads
“Renee Gomez is most likely to live under a bridge after college because she doesn’t want to pay rent” — Pidge Cheatham
“Shalina is most likely to work in the NFL” — Hayden Phillips
“Mason Patterson is most likely to still make TikToks in his parent’s house after college” — Ben Contreras
“Savannah DeCrow is most likely to be on Broadway” — Lauren Szlosek
“LA Herba is most likely to marry rich” — Gwyneth Glanton
“Mai-An Nguyen is most likely to be a rich and happy gal” — Mai-An Luu Nguyen
“Maggie Boyd is most likely to go to the Olympics” — Delayna Darvin
“Shalina Sabih is most likely to marry Jadan Ruckdeschel” — Jadan Ruckdeschel
“Caitlin Kinder is most likely to change the world, for the better” — Tatiana Beach
“Savannah Decrow is most likely to become a famous actress” — Miranda Lutterbei
“Hayden Self is most likely to succeed” — Patrick Bevins
“Savannah DeCrow is most likely to be famous on Broadway” — Nathan Tonti
“Jlitt is most likely to become famous for camera work” — Cameron Neustupa
“Sam Thornfelt is most likely to succeed” — Madeline Cherry
“Lauren Szlosek is most likely to be my wife” — Garrett Karbs
“Pete Buttigieg is most likely to be president” — Brigit Reese
“Chaitanya FC is most likely to be adopted as the national soccer team!” — Natalie Bonner
“Garrett Karbs is most likely to be a billionaire” — Tyler Dawson
“Mr. Sherrill is most likely to be on American Idol” — Sarah Long
“Bella Mathis is most likely to become a famous artist” — Nancy Benitez
“Emily McLeod is most likely to become the newest member of the Hype House” — Sam Thornfelt
“Alyssa Cheatham is most likely to visit me in my well-decorated bridge and help me move in a couple of broken lawn chairs” — Renee Gomez
“Tatum Hines is most likely to become a Kilgore Rangerette” — Riley Vaughn
“Logan Manual is most likely to be a funny dad” — Grant Papazian
“Annette Nyguen is most likely to abandon her future medical career and become a full time TikTok-er” — Nikhita Ragam
“Shalina, Melissa, Adam, Desi, Bella, and Ryan are most likely to have the best time at college” — Mia Taylor-Fitzgerald
“Caitlin Kinder is most likely to be a cute Instagram mom” — Victoria Cheshire
“Sidney is most likely to shoot a basketball and score” — Raquel Redmon
“Noor Khader is most likely to become a political leader” — Justice Douse
“Lauren Szlosek is most likely to be president” — Preslie Hutcherson

“Delaney Hemperly is most likely to marry her high school sweetheart” — Allie Crinklaw
“Sierra Scott is most likely to always be there for you” — Aynslee Barber
“Remi Dzwolak is most likely to fall in love with Peyton Gibbs” — Peyton Gibbs
“Chai is most likely to become a doctor” — Hayden Self
“Katie Myers is most likely to marry a millionaire” — Morgan Lyons
“Griffin Joy is most likely to say some random fact about Wisconsin. Ryan Poles William Swigart is most likely to run the Air Force” — Mary Handley
“Gwyn is most likely to crash her car” — Logan Collins
“Sarah Hill is most likely to own 10 cats” — Sarah Wilson
“Morgan Lee is most likely to become a plastic surgeon and eventually do my mommy makeover” — Joy Yang
“Nikhita Ragam is most likely to become president” — Ayra Charania
“Hana Ajam is most likely to be free spirited” — Autumn Dodson
“Vicky Venegas is most likely to answer the phone to me crying” — Destiny Simpson
“Kendall Petteway is most likely to be the richest man alive” — Madalin Dotzel
“Mr. Howard is most likely to miss me the most” — Morgan Mayers
“Savannah Decrow is most likely to be on Broadway!” — Julia Campopiano
“Justus Lewis is most likely to remain in my life as a long friend” — Erik Nibarger
“Russell Raunam is most likely to become a comedian” — Tatum Green
“Dillon Jewett is most likely to become famous” — Cade Maner
“Ethan Peterson is most likely to become a vehicle technician” — Aaron Guerra
“Emma Stewart is most likely to forget about showing up to graduation” — Emma Janeway
Sam Coad is most likely to win the Ballon d’Or” — Sam Coad
“Allison Leone is most likely to become a trophy wife” — Bailey Roden
“Sami Schnoor is most likely to date a boy named after an inanimate object or onomatopoeia” — Lauren Herba
“Hayden Self is most likely to be a senior again” — Emily McLeod
“Nathaniel Daniel Tonti is most likely to open a successful restaurant that serves macarons” — Caitlin Kinder
“Owen Yap is most likely to be in a world famous band” — Michael Minton
“Zeke Dayton is most likely to (maybe) be in the world record book one day” — Zeke Dayton
“Logan is most likely to be in the future” — Logan Pasion
“Bella Whitesell is most likely to transfer to Arkansas sophomore year” — Allison Leone
“Peyton Gibbs is most likely to be president” — Remi Dzwolak
“Sarah Saleem is most likely to be a successful politician” — Dahlia Clark
“Noah is most likely to be a billionaire” — Noah Kirkpatrick
“Maddie Meiner is most likely to win an Olympic medal” — Sadie Riestenberg
“Dan Ball is most likely to work a 9-5 forever” — Andrew Wegendt
“Bella Fortino is most likely to become a trophy wife” — Bella Fortino
“Abigail Frantz is most likely to be a movie star” — Kendall Bailey
“Isa Pedroche is most likely to move to Spain” — Bella Whitesell