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Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

The School Board Explained

The School Board Explained

Owen Oppenheimer, Reporter April 28, 2023

The first day to vote for the upcoming school board election is on April 24. A day that most students will probably not be involved in but really should. The school board controls a lot of different aspects...

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Congressman Beto O'Rourke held a rally in Fort Worth

A campus divided

Partisan split renews student engagement
Samantha Thornfelt and Nikhila Bulusu November 2, 2018

The partisan split Just turning on the local news is enough to hear people arguing about the nation’s political climate. Walking around school, it’s common to overhear heated debates about breaking...

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Congressman Beto O'Rourke held a rally in Fort Worth

Texas Senate race draws national attention

Chloe White, Editor-in-chief November 2, 2018

For over two decades, Texas has remained a traditionally Republican state. Most of Texas remains strongly conservative, except for a few border counties and large cities such as Dallas, Austin and Houston....

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Cruz and O'Rourke meet up in first debate

Cruz and O’Rourke meet up in first debate

Cruz and O’Rourke cover domestic issues in first of three debates
Chloe White, Editor in Chief September 22, 2018

Editor’s note: The Marquee was granted media access to attend the debate. Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s first debate on Sept. 21 covered domestic policy issues such as gun control,...

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