These answers were part of our senior edition, which was released in May 2020. The full issue can be found here.
“A doctor of some sort, saving lives” — Hayden Self
“A stay at home dad” — Noah Kirkpatrick
“Coaching little league soccer with my husband” — Riley Vaughn
“Happily thriving under a well-decorated bridge” — Renee Gomez
“An athletic trainer or coach” — Justice Douse
“Working, hopefully” — Abigail Frantz
“Still Zeke” — Zeke Camden Dayton
“I will be in South America working on archaeological digs of ancient native tribes” — Pidge Cheatham
“Evading my taxes” — Grant Papazian
“A surgeon already with my kids” — Mia Taylor-Fitzgerald
“Happy (hopefully). Also married to Shalina” — Jadan Ruckdeschel
“Retired” — Miguel Elliott
“Living still” — Ben Contreras
“On a beach ignoring my responsibilities” — Sydney Linquist
“Working for the NFL” — Shalina Sabih
“Working” — Ryan Whitfield
“In the future” — Logan Pasion
“Stopping world hunger” — Sam Coad
“Hopefully a vet and have a family” — Kendall Bailey
“Ideally owning an architecture firm” — Jenna Hauck
“A professor/dean” — Mary Handley
“A nail technician, movie director, traveling the world” — Madalin Dotzel
“Thinking of what’s my next goal” — Noe Morales
“Living my best life in Arizona” — Adam Matthews
“In Europe” — Natalie Bonner
“In New York owning a restaurant” — Nathan Tonti
“Married, with kids, being a chiropractor” — Albir Rifati
“A businessman” — Tyler Dawson
“An engineer” — Remi Dwzolak
“Hopefully in a successful career” — Victoria Alonzo
“At Walmart” — Peyton Gibbs
“A dog owner” — Lauryn Walters
“Raising my kids” — Joy Yang
“Married with some kids and a pilot” — Addison Eads
“A happy and rich fairy” — Mai-An Luu Nguyen
“Running my own hospital” — Allison Leone
“Hopefully rich, married, and raising three kids” — Morgan Mayers
“An international commercial pilot” — Cade Maner
“Rich and sexy” — Andrew Wegendt
“A travelling nurse living my best life” — Brittyn Halbert
“A trophy wife” — Bella Fortino
“A tattoo artist” — Parker Bastien
“Hopefully in a psychiatry position with a family maybe, or at least a good financial position” — Erik Niborger
“Living in luxury not being affected by money or fame” — Raquel Redmon
“Playing Hacky sack with the boys” — Garrett Karbs

“Hopefully also doing something I love” — Madeline Cherry
“Addicted to seltzer water” — Emily McLeod
“In a small cottage in the Colorado mountains” — Michael Minton
“Married, paying off college debt” — Sierra Scott
“Married to Garrett Karbs” — Miranda Lutterbei
“Less sleep deprived” — Ayra Charania
“Studying reef sharks and advocating for policies to protect them” — Destiny Simpson
“A captain at a major airline living in a house with my husband and two-ish kids” — Claire Reader
“Jealous that Zach Hudson is married to Alsa Khan” — Celine Tobias
“Married to someone wealthy” — Autumn Dodson
“An entrepreneur promoting STEAM and CTE” — Aaron Guerra
“Happily married with children” — Logan Collins
“Looking at a 20 year high school reunion invite” — Gwyneth Glanton
“Rich, hopefully” — Ryan Poles
“Old” — Aynslee Barber
“Claire Reader’s children’s wine aunt” — Lauren Herba
“A doctor” — Bella Whitesell
“A mechanical engineer” — Katie Mann
“Hopefully doing something that makes me successful” — Cameron Neustupa
“Happy and hopefully successful” — Tatum Green
“Living in a van by the river” — Dahlia Clark
“Hopefully writing and performing my own songs for the world to see!” — Julia Campopiano
“38” — Emma Eidmann
“Married with 10 dogs” — Sarah Wilson
“A wife, mother and teacher. I will be teaching special ed at an awesome school” — Bailey Tadolini
“A sports marketer or manager for the NHL” — Hayden Phillips
“38…at my 20 yr high school reunion, seeing who peaked in high school” — Emma Janeway
“Campaigning for my second term as president” — Lauren Szlosek
“Living with the utmost fortune and working on physical sciences” — Marcus Anderson-Valencia
“Married with kids – hopefully not quarantined!” — Patrick Bevins
“Teaching at the same elementary school as my best friend and I’ll be married to a rich husband” — Nancy Benitez
“A holistic doctor and healer living in South America!!” — Hana Ajam
“A working nurse” — Ashlynn Mays
“37” — Brigit Reese
“Married with 2 kids” — Delayna Darvin
“Running my own business” — Annika Barry
“Still in school” — Kaitlyn Reichenberger
“Living halfway across the world bringing hope to people!” — Victoria Cheshire
“Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up” — Cailtin Kinder
“Fat chilling on stacks of money” — Ethan Barr
“Married to an NFL player” — Allie Crinklaw
“An astronaut or environmental activist” — Carol Anne Starks
“Showing my kids all the TikTok dances I’ve ever done” — Annette Nguyen
“A wine mom” — Adriana Pueskens
“Flying away from all my problems, I wanna be a pilot” — Tatiana Beach